After Exam 1
Wow! I have not updated my blog for long time. Erm…….. busy for my exam and daily life. Today I have just finished my exams. The exams are rather challenging than saying it is difficult. There is one of us saying (claiming) that it is easy and she or he knows how to do everything. I praised for his or her confidence but pity for his or her understanding in differentiating easy because know how to do and easy because it is easy like a piece of cake. He or she has been categorized as easy because know how to do I am almost 95% of sure that he or she is fall in this category.
Let me explain about his / her situation. When we acquire for more details, he or she will say easy la, “dapat jawab la”, “not difficult la”, but as we never know how smart she or he is. Easy and know how to do, in my opinion; I think everyone is the same as him or her. I also feel like that. BUT the main thing is that what you know and you think is easy question that your answer is correct. Or you just know how to do the questions (as many people also the same), but the answers are ambiguous or uncertain. This is what people called “syok syok sendiri” or in a more localize way is “pandai-pandai”. The moral or rationale at here is We don’t have to show off if you really smart (I say is IF), because it makes you feel very funny in front of others, furthermore we must be humble especially during this learning stage. We are not classify as a “Guru” or “sifu” yet then be humble and don’t show off.
The most annoying thing is that I feel like vomit every time he or she claims that know something or she / he knows everything. He or she is just a walking encyclopedia (in her own world not for me [at least]). Eeeeeeeeee, I feel so disturbed when thinking about his or her styles when talking, or showing off something that he or she is the one in this world knows only. Let us wait and see what are the outcomes he or she will get.
1 comment:
let him / her be... hahahaha
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