Friday, February 27, 2009

1st day in class

First day to the class (05.01.2009)

In the morning, I waked up early to bath and clean up myself. As I want to get myself ready for the class. I went there by walking, as the school is located on the hill, it is about 81 steps of staircases. Haha!:-)

On the first day, I introduced myself to all the teachers around and talk with them, there is also an aseembly early in the morning. My PK1 has intoduced me to the pupils. My school only consists of 21 pupils exclude the kindie pupils. It is really a small school. As in the afternoon, I joined other teachers for the gotong-royong project. From there, I know the teachers more andunderstand the living here. About 5.30pm, my GB has come back to school; he also came with my new colleague.

Nothing much happen in the first day to class, I was being appointed as the class teacher of Year 5 which consist of 2 pupils only. Hopefully everything will be fine in the upcoming days in SK Iban Union.

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