Friday, February 27, 2009


Today is 26.12.2008, for many of you maybe is a “boxing day” where all of us race to unwrap the Christmas presents. But for me today is the day that I have been waiting for so long that is to know my posting school. I went to JPN Sarawak with 2 of my friends.

I just cannot pretend not to be worried, but seem I am not the only one. We even went for the wrong building. Then we went to the Bangunan Sultan Iskandar. Dup dup dup dup is all what I heard from my heartbeat. So excited and worried. Before I went into hall to get my posting letter, I saw one of the girls is crying maybe it is too far then I began to be even worried. Then when I get the letter, the name is SK IBAN UNION, wow! 1st thing come across my mind is the name so “grammer” and seems to be so modern and most of my friends said like these “you good la, posted so near”, “Selangau is on the way to Bintulu, ai ya why you so lucky punya, see mine is in “Long” area.”, at that time I really believe that it is a roadside school, because so many “experts” said it must be a roadside school. Then we set off to IPTAR for our final exam result, in the car, I even told 1 of my friends to buy life jacket for using boat. The result is quite satisfying me because I get a quite good result.

We decided to have breakfast 1st before going for Christmas visiting. As the topic is still cannot apart from posting. Then we went to our friend’s house, while enjoying the delicious food, we discussed about the posting again. As the new “experts” also said my school sure is by the roadside. I smile and told them erm... I have the same idea. I even make a joke with one of my friends, I told her can start survey new house then buy it next year end. OMG!!!

The real thing when I back at home. To confirm it is a roadside school, and then I called PPDK Selangau. The conversation is briefly like this,
Me : Hello, PPDK Selangau, Saya baru dapat surat posting ni.
Pegawai : Ok...
Me : Saya dapat SK Iban Union, adakah ia terletak di tepi jalan?
Pegawai : Oh! Tidak.., kamu kena masuk ke suatu kampung then pakai boat lebih
kurang 1 jam.

I really shocked with it, so with my mum. I cannot imagine I get a P3 school. Hahahaha!;-)I can see that she is very worried about that. I pretend to console her don’t worry too much. That afternoon, I go to certify my surat angkat sumpah, as my mum and sister went to buy clothes. After that surat sumpah, I have called my GB to confirm the venue, then he has told me the exact thing. OMG! Dream come true?????????? Extra RM1500!!!!! Hahahahaha!:-D. Then I have to pretend steady in order not to let my parent worried about me.

That nite I really cannot sleep so well.

End of part 1

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